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 I recently conducted a survey. I also conducted four interviews with girls who are dealing with not having a positive female role model. I used the results I received from my forty-four respondents to help me form these maps and guide me through my investigating.  

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With the responses I was able to organize what is being said, felt, done, and thought about my problem. This really gave me some insight as to what these girls, effected by this problem, really go through.  

Here is my root cause analysis map, and my ecosystem map. I presented these maps together because when going through the process my ecosystem really helped me create my root cause analysis map. My ecosystem map helped me get a better understanding of all the pieces and parts of my problem. The root cause analysis map helped me organize the problems that happen because girls don't have a positive role model.  This helped with narrowing down what are potential doable solutions. With this, I am now ready to move on to my interpret step! 

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